

Above is a 3D rendition of the 780 foot floodplain similar to the lowest picture down at the bottom.

Above are some floodplain maps for the campus area of Eau Claire, notice the difference in water cover from the flood heights of 780-800 feet.

Check out the above map, it shows Landslide event in Forest Falls where the river reclaimed the path it used to carry before human intervention diverted the path to the east.
Need one more Image from Lab 7. Need Book.
Check out this map I quickly threw toghether. It displays total volume loss from the Mt. St. Helens erruption. Notice the loss of mass where the lateral erruption occured. All units in Cubic Yards.

 What you can see above is the before (bottom) and after (top) images of Mt. St Helens in regards to the eruption in the 80's. Notice the loss of a true peak, as well as how the eruption seems to be lateral instead of purley vertical.
In the Above picture, you can see how we can add a TIN layer to the image, then add color based on the ground cover. It's pretty sweet now....
While the image above may seem boring, or to be of little meaning, it has quite a bit of potential. This image is the begining of a 3D image of Mt Ranier. From here we can manipulate it to show us better what the topology of the surface will look like. Stay Tuned.


Lab 5 Image

In this map you can see the relationship between the blue values (damage density) and the Colors where you see Liquefaction. Observe that there are some common areas where the two values are overlapping. Also notice the topology of the map, and how most of the Liquefaction and Building density damage happens in relatively low lying areas within the mountains.

This map shows a relationship between the PGA values, and the Damage density values. As the PGA values rise, the Damage desnity values do as well. Notice the high concentration of both maps in the very middle of the screen.


Above is my cool map! As the Legend states, the Red signifies a county that is in the top 5 of all coountries in terms of Volcanic Activity. Notice that the little orange triangles correspond along the plate boundaries showing how Volcanoe (triangles) occur along fault lines (red outlines). 



This map file depicts a drought forecast for the midwest during the summer month of June. It takes an Engineering paradigm approach to mitigating natural hazards. As you can see the south-western corner of the map is by far the most prone to droughts in the month of June. However, the border between Wisconsin and Northern Michigan cannot be ignored, nor the Duluth area of Minnesota. In order to take a complexity approach farmers and agriculture based operations would need to look at the growing season forecasts. Each month would need a drought forecast and Farmers would need to start stocking up on water for the driest months while lessening watering during the wetter months. They could also find ways of storing the precipitation that falls during wet months, if there is an excess, and saving it for use during the drier months. It's hard to avoid a drought as it's a complicated set of climactic events, but there are ways to better 'interact' with the hazards associated with droughts.

One thing I could have done better was upgrade my hospitals and community center. I didn’t realize that was an option so I overlooked it. I wasn’t able to warn the citizens very well but mostly they all seemed to make it out ok.

My strategy for killing off as many of the people possible was to simply provide bamboo huts along the coast line. I tried to build as many bamboo huts in the beach and on low lying areas. I also elected NOT to build any hospitals. I build a school and apartment complex on the beach too in hopes of luring idiot peoples to the coast. I made sure to demolish the existing defenses like coral reefs and sand dunes to eliminate all sorts of protection.

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