Friday, December 7, 2012

10 Round Bout: FEMA v Nadler

In a recent article from the USA Today, congressman Jerrold Nadler (D) said that Sandy should be a wake up call for FEMA (so what was Katrina...?)

He points to the fact that Sandy bring a new set of challenges to the table; How do we get relief supplies to people inside skyscrapers?

The article is mostly focused on FEMA reaction in large Urban areas. With large Urban areas, come lots of people. All of them needing the same thing. When a city like NYC is displaced it leaves a heck of a lot more people out there than when a Hurricane hits a less populated area.

What starts out as a good article where critisms of FEMA are presented without being over the top or too accusatory, turns into an article that reflects the true desire of the congressmen and the New England residents. Money

Crisizing FEMA, which is valid, seems to be a fassod for congress to approve more money to go to the efforts of rebuilding the area. Congress meets this week to decide if/how to propotion out money for those in need.

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