Sunday, September 30, 2012

The recipie for disaster (prevention)

The Examiner recently had a good article about environmental disaster on their website titled, "Saftey plan for an environemntal crisis".

This was an interesting article to go through because it is a somewaht feeble attempt at an all encompassing set of directions for disaster prevention. The article suggests that "Almost everyone lives downwind of a highway, a train line, a pipeline or a manufacturing facility where toxic trouble could flare up fast." should heed these directions.

Here are the steps, summarized.
1. Know where danger lurks, be alert.
2.Create a family emergency kit and plan
3. Shut your windows if there is hazardous release.
4.Keep the indoors clean.
5. Drink bottled water.
6. Have a getaway strategy.
7. Eat smart.

Wait what? Eat smart? Keep the indoors clean? Some of these steps are logical, like, "Create an emergency kit" That makes sense. Otherwise the list is more fluff than it is going to be effective personal hazard prevention. However, this may be a valid tool in reaching "regular" americans who tend to be uneducated or naive to the subject of Natural hazards or disasters.

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